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Exelorate, Viki Johnston

"The End is another Beginning"...

... PING!

How was your month? How many Lightbulb Moments did you get to experience? I'd like to share my biggest one with you.

I have been considering how things comes to an end this month, and I realised that there is never really an end. When one thing finishes it's really just the opening of the next thing. This could be transitioning from one job to another, moving from one place to another or the beginning of the legacy of someone who has passed on.

It's not always easy to see that in the moment. We can get caught in the asking why, why did this happen, why couldn't I prevent it, why now?

There is a cycle of life that we can not alter, nothing is supposed to last for ever, (apart from Twinkies apparently! And that's just not natural) so therefore we must resign ourselves to making sure there is meaning at the end.

I'm a big fan of learning, if you haven't guessed, so for me, I want to know what I can do with the knowledge, skill, understanding that came from the thing that is no longer available. It has to have had some purpose. A person who impacted your life that is no longer with us, what did that relationship give you? That job you no longer have, what did it teach you? The place you lived and the life you made there, how did it change you?

By coming from a place of growth we can remove, or reduce, the pain of transition. Knowing that "this soon will pass" has both wonderful and terrifying connotations.

What will you learn from past experiences, from people who once were in your life and are no longer part of it?

These were my lightbulb moments.

  • Experiences change me, for the better.

  • Make the most of each experience, you never know when it will end.

  • Look for the light in the darkness, it is always there, it just needs you to see it.

I began writing on this theme before I experienced the untimely loss of a friend, a true legend of a women who impacted and inspired many. Coming back to this message helped me. I hope it will help you.

Thank you for the music Tanya, Rest In Peace.


Thanks for reading, I hope this has given you some things to think about and you have some of your own Lightbulb Moments.

I'd love to hear about them.

If you would like some help experiencing them, I'd love to help.

Please share this with anyone you know who loves experiencing Lightbulb Moments.

Enjoy the Ping!

Viki Johnston


This is the Art of Letting Go.

Check the website here for more information.

Viki Johnston, a Brit who has recently moved to Southern California with her family, is a self-confessed learning junkie. Having flunked out of school at 17, she spent the next 30 (cough) years trying to figure out why learning stuff is so hard. She made it her mission to help others believe in their abilities and achieve more than they thought possible. Now through her coaching and business focused training she helps others to experience the "light bulb moment" and strive to greatness.

Her heroes are Sir Richard Branson and Brené Brown for their inspiration, and her Husband, whom without she would never have been able to live a life full of her own "light bulb moments".

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