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Who am I?... I'm me!

Viki Johnston's blog. PING! moments.

It’s International Womens Month.

What does that really mean and why should we care?

Setting goals

Maybe I’m just lucky because I have never felt like I have missed out on anything as a woman. I know there is the pay gap, and the rights that we had to fight for, (in some places are still fighting for) and in some countries women are still seen as second-class citizens.

And, as always, I try to see things from a glass half full perspective.

We are better off now, more knowledgeable and inspired, so maybe the struggle was worth it? Maybe we needed to be there, to get here, and also, to move forward.

When I worked in a very male dominated environment I felt special. I had a very different opinion to many of the men who did the same job as me. Often, I would be greeted with, “oh lovely, that makes a nice change”. I knew I was different and had no intention of being more “manly” or needing to “man up” to get the job done. What does that even mean?

Men and women are different, and that’s a good thing. I want my son and daughter to be themselves, not be the same. I believe women have natural abilities that not all men have and visa-versa. There are of course the outliers, and we should celebrate them just as much.

When I was asked to join a panel of international women to talk about how we had become successful, I was delighted. I have so much admiration and respect for the other panelists. I loved that we all talked about who we are and that none of us felt we had to fight for our positions, we just stepped up and took them.

I just heard a quote from Elon Musk:

"It’s not diversity we should be working toward, it’s inclusion in diversity that we need."

And I think I agree.

We all have our gifts and talents, and they make us unique in ways not everyone can see or always appreciate.

Don’t let anyone tell you who to be because of your gender, race, background or age. Be you, whoever you are. Identify yourself as an intelligent, kind, strong and competent individual.

Be you, everyone else is taken. 

Watch the panel video here and let me know what you are doing to be more you.

Send me an email. I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Viki Johnston's Ping moments

Thanks for reading, I hope this has given you some things to think about and you have some of your own Lightbulb Moments.

I'd love to hear about them.

If you would like some help experiencing them, I'd love to help.

Please share this with anyone you know who loves experiencing Lightbulb Moments.

Enjoy the Ping!

Viki Johnston

Viki Johnston, a Brit who has recently moved to Southern California with her family, is a self-confessed learning junkie. Having flunked out of school at 17, she spent the next 30 (cough) years trying to figure out why learning stuff is so hard. She made it her mission to help others believe in their abilities and achieve more than they thought possible. Now through her coaching and business focused training she helps others to experience the "light bulb moment" and strive to greatness.
Her heroes are Sir Richard Branson and Brené Brown for their inspiration, and her Husband, whom without she would never have been able to live a life full of her own "light bulb moments".


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