How was your month? How many Lightbulb Moments did you get to experience? I'd like to share my biggest one with you.
I’m sure like me, many of you have wondered how you can tap into the very best part of who you are and experience increased performance, at work and in your personal lives.
For the last 2 years I have been on a journey of development in the subject of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), to really get to know it and understand how it can help me perform at my very best.
I’m not saying I have cracked it yet, but I feel like I am getting closer and closer every time I practice a new technique. And although this “Ping” moment wasn’t a complete surprise, I did discover a few enlightening powers about Energy, how we can manifest and share it to heal our minds and our bodies.
Those who know me well, know that I am an optimist. I love to think positively about everything and always try my best to encourage others to the same. When I began to tap into my positive energy and listen more deeply to others who were using this power, I realized its capacity to create opportunities to live and work with less stress, increased focus and more fun.
As a result I started this year off with a mission to support more people to achieve their goals through the power of NLP by offering Breakthrough sessions for those who want to get more from their careers.
During these sessions we will dig deep and uncover what holds us back and where our limiting beliefs come from. We can then work to release those emotions and feelings and refocus on what is achievable. I’m so excited to see the transformations.
The key is to understand that your unconscious mind is controlling everything you do, from the feelings you have, to the decisions you make. Can you imagine having the power to take control of that? Now, I’m not suggesting we become consciously aware of everything all the time, that would be exhausting, but what if you could choose? What if you could tap into the power of your mind and get better, faster and more effectively results?
You already have everything inside of you that you need, you just need to figure out how to get to it and use it. That’s what I love about NLP.
Next time you feel frustrated by something or someone, take some time to listen. Listen to yourself and ask:
Why do I feel this way?
What am I trying to tell myself?
What could I do differently?
You already know all the answers, but maybe you just can hear them over the noise of the situation.
Instead of having your unconscious mind jump in to protect you with fear, anger, sadness, hurt and guilt. How about you take control back and jump in with curiosity, love, joy, empathy, and generosity?
What results might you get from that? I’d love to know your thoughts.
Thanks for reading, I hope this has given you some things to think about and you have some of your own Lightbulb Moments.
I'd love to hear about them.
If you would like some help experiencing them, I'd love to help.
Please share this with anyone you know who loves experiencing Lightbulb Moments.
Enjoy the Ping!
Viki Johnston